Nous vous proposons une solution d’investissement propre à offrir des rendements attendus élevés.

OPA HOLDING est une société basée à Nice, qui travaille avec des promoteurs implantés en région PACA et au Portugal, et vous propose d’investir dans ses promotions immobilières, ou d’acheter des appartements en vue d’y habiter ou de les louer.

Dans l’immobilier, il existe trois types d’investissements distincts : l’achat revente de bien, l’acquisition d’un bien pour mise en location ou le financement d’opération de construction neuve ou de rénovation lourde.


Et si vous transformiez vos impôts en investissement immobilier rentable à 10% ?

People had the opportunity to study in a prestigious university thanks to our loans

Calculate your loan

How Much Do You Need?

$10000 $100000
1 months10 months
You are getting:
Term of use:
You must return:

A quick & transparent process

We have a simple online

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We will customize a loan based on the amount of cash your company need term length

Get an Instant Decision

We provide online instant cash loans with quick approval that suit your term length

Get Funding Fast

When you have a good credit profile and you have built your loan cheaper with us


What we have done


We can give best facilities
for business

Lower Rates

We will customize a loan based on the amount of cash your company need.

Quick and Easy

We provide online instant cash loans with quick approval that suit you.

No Payment Penalty

Get Credit Within 24 hours! Up to 98% Cash Withdrawal Facilities

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What our clients say about us.

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OPA Holding